Foreign riot police may now be operating in Greece.

Did you know that the EU has its own riot police that can operate in any European country but is answerable directly to none of them?  No I didn’t either.

They are called the European Gendarmerie Force (Eurogendfor) . They are based in Italy but funded and staffed by six signatory nations who are France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Romania.  However, according to the Treaty which established Eurogendfor they can operate in any EU country and are available to others who invite them to do so. The country which invites them in is refered to as the ‘Host’.

The Gendarmerie are specifically set up to deal with riots and civil unrest and as the treaty spells out they are to be

…exclusively comprising elements of police forces with military status

Here is a picture of the force. How many police forces or even riot police do you know who drill with bayonet?

The force is 3000 strong based in Italy composed of two rapid deployment brigades. Since Greece is not a member of Eurogendfor few if any of its troops/officers(?) will speak Greek. Yet they may  now be operating in Greece. I have checked with friends in Athens and they tell me it is true.

I have also contacted – or tried to contact – Eurogendfor directly to double check the facts. However the email contact on their web site does not work.  You can fill out the form but for the last 4 and a half hours when I press send I get this reply,

“Server is unable to send your request.Please try later”.

Should you phone the HQ directly, you will find an automated system. There is a Press Office option but it cycles you back to the main ‘Welcome” menu as does EVERY single other option as well. This has been how it is all day.

Thus is isn’t how it is over lunch this is just how it has been set up. In other words there is the facade of contact but the operational reality is “Piss Off you commoner!”

What does it say if it turns out ot be true that the Greek government has ‘invited’ a quasi military riot police made of personel from other nations to operate in Greece against its own citizens.  Greek police not enough? Greek military not willing to crack heads?  Got to get some foreigners to do it for you?

What exactly is the difference between Eurogendfor and any other mercenary force?  The Greek government could ‘invite’ any private army in. No matter how you view the status of Eurogendfor, the reality is the Greek people did not vote in favour of joining it and certainly were not asked if they wanted foreign quasi military forces to be able to operate in Greece.  If this story turns out to be true then it iouwld mean that the greek government that like all governments through history that have lost all legitimacy with its own people, eventually seek military support from outside forces with which to supress its own people. Once you view it like that the word tyranny eventually enters in. And that word  has extremely serious consequences.

Let’s take a step back from this. The cuts in Greece are tied up intimately with bailing out French and German banks as well as the Greek owners of Greek banks. The Greek people have been demonstrating against the bail out for months. The Greek government has ignored its people and chosen to do the  bidding of the EU elite, the IMF,  the ECB and most of all the banks globally.

Now it is alleged that a non-Greek militarized riot force may have arrived to enforce austerity. Whose bidding would they really be doing? Whose interests would  they be serving? Could it be the banks? Have the  financial class now got their own riot police who they can ship to wherever the locals try to defy them and where the local police cannot be ‘trusted’ to serve the supra-national interests of the banks?

Of course this is not how Eurogendfor is set up. I know that. But is this how it actually works nevertheless?

I will continue to try to talk to anyone at all at Eurogendfor and let you know if they ever condescend to even accept an email or answer the phone. Don’t hold your breath. Who am I after all?  Just a citizen and what does that count for these days?

Citizen? In the new order you’re either a bond holder or you’re a nobody.

77 thoughts on “Foreign riot police may now be operating in Greece.”

  1. The Greek citizens need to remind the French of their history and their own national Anthem. The words are powerful and apt.

    Quoi ! des cohortes étrangères
    Feraient la loi dans nos foyers !
    Quoi ! Ces phalanges mercenaires
    Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers ! (bis)
    Grand Dieu ! Par des mains enchaînées
    Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient
    De vils despotes deviendraient
    Les maîtres de nos destinées !

    Aux armes, citoyens…

    Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides
    L’opprobre de tous les partis,
    Tremblez ! vos projets parricides
    Vont enfin recevoir leurs prix ! (bis)
    Tout est soldat pour vous combattre,
    S’ils tombent, nos jeunes héros,
    La terre en produit de nouveaux,
    Contre vous tout prêts à se battre !

    What! Foreign cohorts
    Would make the law in our homes!
    What! These mercenary phalanxes
    Would strike down our proud warriors! (repeat)
    Great God ! By chained hands
    Our brows would yield under the yoke
    Vile despots would have themselves
    The masters of our destinies!

    To arms, citizens…

    Tremble, tyrants and you traitors
    The shame of all parties,
    Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
    Will finally receive their reward! (repeat)
    Everyone is a soldier to combat you
    If they fall, our young heroes,
    The earth will produce new ones,
    Ready to fight against you!

  2. I just got this from their website

    An EGF force, is not a standing force, and is generated and deployed on an ad hoc basis. It may be a rapidly deployed police force of a maximum of 800 police officers, under a 30 days notice, including a rapidly deployed HQ in the field, for which the core will be provided by the permanent HQ. As the police units that can reinforce an EGF mission are identical to those declared in the framework of the Helsinki capacity catalogue and at the capacity conference held in Brussels on November the 19th, 2001, the total strength of the Force could reach 2300. It contradicts your story on numbers.
    And this …read between the lines!
    Colonel Kuijs addressed the audience stating his intention to go forth in further developing this unique European policing instrument!
    Maybe the guys on ZH are on to something when saying load up on ammo bitchez! Police state me thinks

  3. Maria dos Santos

    Do none of the fancy educated bankers not remember their basic history of Europe?The banksters are running scared-I’m long torches,pithchforks and gullotines.

    1. @maria – from my experience of working in an investment bank, ignorance reigns supreme. Most people have very little to talk about. History? forget it, they’ve no idea.

  4. Also found this tweet, not sure of any truth in it…it is google translated from Greek and no replies to it..

    Czech soldiers “Balkan Brigade” SEEBRIG was alleged special Brigade # eurogendfor that came with “absolute secrecy” in Greece. Landed in Igoumenitsa, went Tyrnavos which is the headquarters of SEEBRIG and put them in buses to Bosnia. How was created the myth of # eurogendfor and which centers traded as psychops deserves all our attention

  5. the European Union Charter, which says that there is no death penalty, and then it has a footnote, which says, “except in the case of war, riots, upheaval”—then the death penalty is possible. could get interesting!

    What does Fiat in Fiat currency mean again? by our order?

    1. Chris’s second link has the same report as Paulie’s but in clearer English:

      “According to a very reliable source, the “eurogendfor” hit-men alledgedly in Greece to combat riots… were in fact ….Czech soldiers from the “Balkan Brigade” of SEEBRIG, the Multinational Peace Force South-Eastern Europe Brigade. The soldiers arrived in Greece via Igoumenitsa , were transported to Tyrnavos in Central Greece and then ***moved with buses to Bosnia***! These were the alleged ‘eurogendfor’ hit-men who came to Greece in ‘absolute secrecy’ but via roads and ports so that everybody could see them…

      Our attention should be focused as to why such rumors and claims are realesed and what purposes they serve…”

      If this is the case, the troops are now in Bosnia, not Greece…

      Off-topic, but still on the subject of Greece:

      UBS Kills Latest European Bailout Proposal: “Why A 50% Haircut On Greek Debt Will Not Work”

  6. David, I asked about Eurogendfor on a previous post. The moment I heard rumours that they were now operating in Greece, I felt this whole debt debacle had somehow turned a terrifying corner. I knew I could count on you and all who comment here to find out more.

    1. Looks as though we’ve been here before.

      From 4 April this year:

      “A text has been circulating in the Greek virtual space for quite some months according to which, European special troops of the unofficial European Union of the European Gendarmerie EUROGENDFOR are expected to arrive in Greece to suppress the people’s uprisings in the country. The authors of the specific texts claim that the process of deployment of their members is strictly confidential and their goal is to quell the riots and uprisings in Europe and particularly in Greece. Interestingly, some people took this “news” seriously. One of them is the deputy from the far-right party LAOS Kyriakos Velopoulos who even raised a question on the topic in the Greek Parliament.

      The text, which was published in blogs and “news websites”, states that “this secret group called EUROGENDFOR is based in Italy and will hold its first major operation against the people of one European country on the 23rd of February, 2011.” We recall that a Panhellenic strike was held then and there were serious clashes between the members of the extreme left groups and the police during the procession.”

      Looks as though the story is one more from the rumour-mill…

  7. betty schrampfer

    now we are in a season were boundaries among countries tend to dissappear. everything based on the fallacy of self-determinism. As time goes, THE BARRIERS BETWEEN THESE COUNTRIES WILL be dissapearing radually (caps). at first, military will occupapy countries, sportsman, and ppl alike. then the states will comprehend these boudnaries that will lead to a supreme union of contrasts.

  8. Well here is the registration details for their .eu website.

    Whois Result
    Name eurogendfor
    Registered 7 April, 2006
    Expiry Date 31 May, 2012
    Last update 19 May, 2008, 12:01 pm
    Name Anna Cavallini
    Organisation Comando gen. arma dei carabinieri centro eccellenza stability police units
    Language Italian
    Address Via Giacomo Medici 87, 36100 Vicenza
    Phone 00 39 0444932040
    Fax 00 39 0444932042
    Email [email protected]

    – this will just be someone who is the legal contact for registering the domain. But it shows they are based in Italy, and its part of the Carabinieri. Could call Ms Cavallini and ask her who her boss is and what their number is.

    This is by the way the address for the Scula Mares. Brig. Carabinieri, whatever that is. And their number is +39 0444 932000 ‎

  9. It could not happen here in Uk could it ? We have The Independent Police Complaints Commission to hold them to account should a citizen in UK have cause to complain about their activities . I asked the question of Nick Hardwicke the Chair of IPCC as follows -” The IPCC bill does not mention an outside force coming to UK , what are the powers of IPCC .? The answer was ,”do not panic”. The truth is that National governments have no control of these forces and we have yet to discover to whom they are accountable should they commit criminal offences in the course of their duties .

  10. Hardwick has not been IPCC Chair for 18 months. They have not filled the role, just appointed a caretaker. We do not get to vote for these worthies. The UK has standing plans to use the Army.

  11. So these guys were set up in 2006 to help national police forces in maintaining control of rioters/demonstrators.It seems strange to me that someone should feel in 2006 when the future looked rosy that there would be a need for such a thing. I personally think it’s a bit hairbrained as well. I don’t think that they would be welcomed with open arms even by the forces they are supposed to be supporting, kinda like them cop movies where the FBI get called in, which puts the ordinary cops noses out of joint. Also if these Robocop guys hit the streets very hard causing collateral damage, it’s going to be the local forces that will eventually pay for the consequences.

    I imagine also, in Greece at this time that these guys rather than doing anything constructive would be more likely to turn up the heat by further enraging patriotic feelings within the population. A government would have to be very desperate to make use of their services, Personally I think Papandreo’s insult to the original 300 are already guilty of treason.

    A Mayor was beaten up the other day & it looks as though the situation in Greece is getting more fractious. If these guys were trained for this kind of situation, & they are not already in situ, then presumably when the situation further detiorates, they will be sent in, after all it’s there job,& it must have cost a lot of money to set this force up, it would surely have to justify it’s existence. This might be a bit harder to achieve now that people know they exist & I imagine will be looking out for them.

    Their very existence strikes me as incredibly sinister, why would anyone want to add yet another tier of control ? especially in 2006. Maybe they have a “Team Europe” as well, only joking, I hope.

    1. richard in norway

      Greece is being made an example of, chaos is not a byproduct but is the desired result. Then the Greeks will be held up as an example to all the other countries “see what happens when you don’t do things our way” sending in foreign troops/police would be a great way to inflame things farther but why bother when the rumour works just as well. I must be mad I really starting to believe that things are being done on purpose rather than just being cocked up, but how else can you explain what’s happening in Greece. It’s like a power keg just waiting to go off

    2. That’s true, but in several recent cases, particularly Bahrain and I think Tunisia, foreign troops/police were used precisely because there was a worry that local/national police or security forces might be unreliable against their own people.

      And 2006 wasn’t long ago – the militarisation of ‘security’ has been proceeding down these paths for years now. The political and financial classes – ie, the fascists, because that’s exactly what these people are – spend millions and billions on repression, so why should this force be so surprising?

  12. This : ‘Colonel Kuijs addressed the audience stating his intention to go forth in further developing this unique European policing instrument!’ a quote from the website brings out the conspiracy theorist in me, from reading their website it looks like these guys are just getting started and there are bigger plans for them, maybe they are to be the police force of the planned new federal Europe which TPTB are doing their best to point us all to. StevieFinn might very well be on to something with the FBEye thing, these guys are highly trained so maybe they will be brought out as Europes answer to the Fed/CIA stateside. They have probably been outed this time to make their presence known to all and to create a bit of fear – Chinese whispers kinda thing. Already here in 20 posts they have gone from a special task force to Elite Robocops! Whatever it’s about I’m glad I’m aware of their existence now as I never heard mention of them before.

    1. It’s concerning they’ve been well under the radar eh, Paulie? Not heard a dicky bird here in Ireland, but presumably, whatever they are, they may have some jurisdiction here at some point. But even if they don’t, it doesn’t speak well for the direction of EU democracy & accountability. Sure, it’s ever more obvious us plebs don’t count for much when it comes to that, but another issue to add to the growing list.

    2. Well, the Europologists keep saying that “More Europe” is the solution to all of the EU members’ troubles.

      I didn’t know they meant “riot cops.”

  13. I’m affraid that this rumor is part of psychops to keep people away from strikes and protests next week in Athens. The true is that 50 young soldiers of European Multinational peace force SEEBRIG bypassed GR and went to Kossovo. It was enought to start rumors.The role of eurogendfor its tottaly different (they are acting in Kossovo, Bosnia etc) Notice that this rumors are based on blog posts and nobody confirms it. Police announced that it is not true. According the information by the greek military general staff it is Czech soldiers of SEEBRIG. And they bypassed Greece on route to Kossovo.

  14. “An investigation by [the finance] ministry revealed that Greeks owe €37 billion ($50 billion) in back taxes. The majority, €32 billion, is owed by companies. To remedy the situation, the finance ministry will publish a list of 15,000 people who haven’t paid their taxes. It identified fraudsters who owed more than €1 million. It further determined that 3,718 Greeks moved €5.5 billion out of the country during 2009 alone. Of them, 542 declared income of less than €1,000. That’s just for the tax year 2009. The investigations of tax years 2010 and 2011 are ongoing.”

    The next bail-out instalment for Greece is €8 billion…

    More here:

  15. Parallels with the the Roman empire? They used troops raised in one part of the empire to garrison areas remote from their home land to avoid them supporting a revolt by their own countrymen. Worked well for the British empire as well.

  16. Whether or not this “police” unit is operating in Greece, I think many will be alarmed at their existence. Why do we need such a unit? I’m not at all anti European, but I think even the existence of such a force would play into the hands of those that are.

    On a different tack has anyone seen this photo of the #occupywallstreet

  17. irrelevant to this topic, but I find this is a positive and constructive alternative – and explicit rejection of – the corrupted world of international banking, and the kind of thing we will be seeing more of… i hope; independent local banking, by the people for the people.:

  18. Greece if you all recall had a long and quite vicious civil war after the end of World War and the British got involved militarily against the communists… so such things are not at all impossible…
    Especially if the country is divided
    But the way things are going an EU force might be running around quite a bit though..

    I’d have thought it would just about be the death knell of the EEC to try such a thing in reality even among such Euro-loving nations as the French…

    But we live in mad times.
    Could we then call on support from the Libyans in our fight for freedom against tyranny?

  19. Study ‘The First Global Revolution’ by the Council of the Club of Rome for all your needs right now. Say thank you to Emperor King Juan Carlos of Spain and his Club of Rome with New Jerusalem aka The Worshipful Company of International Bankers, The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals and of course The Worshipful Company of Fuellers.

  20. First of all, please excuse my mistakes – English is not my native language.

    OK, we have a problem – this foreign police operating in Greece is only the beginning. As Golemxiv mentioned, everything is possible due to the Lisbon Treaty. We have another problem with this Treaty – the death penalty in case of riots and insurrections. See here So far, the strategy seems coherent: they set up the laws ( the Treaty) that allow them to fight against EU citizens in case they are unhappy with gov’s policies. They set up the police force and then they create the crisis; people get more and more poor, upset, unhappy and furious. Next step – create a general trend for street protests, so they have the background for riots to come up. They use the EU police forces, taking soldiers from one country to operate in another country. It is known that an army – police will have second thoughts to fight against its own people, so they arranged this cross border deployment. The Treaty gives the permission to apply death penalty in certain cases and they just fabricated this cases. They control main stream media, so they control main flow of information. In the last 2-3 decades the entire national and European legislation was changed in order to alter people’s mental model for reactions to freedom restrictions. The objectives of these changes were ( mainly):

    1) getting people more and more separated and scared, so they will become more frustrated, furious AND will never come together to fight peacefully, using national laws, i.e. with class actions against public workers from gov’s structures, justice, banks etc. When Romanian citizens got to the court some banks, IMF came rapidly and conditioned their “help” by dropping the case against banks. The main mechanism is based on implementation in people’s mind of a mental model like “it’s useless, will never be able to win, we are not enough … and not enough … they are invincible, we have to obey “. You can see the implementation of this mental model if you look to studies done in the last 2 decades. you will see that at questions like “do you ( alone or with other people) consider that you can do something to change your country” the percentage decreased from 70/95% to 10-15% in all EU countries. The most stubborn countries were Ireland, Greece, UK. they’ve chosen Greece to start with.

    2. getting people used to consider an elite as being legally immune and not responsible for their acts, so people can not take them to courts. This elite is above laws.

    3. getting people to believe that petitioning governments is a democratic tool, and moving them from real democratic tools as referendum, civic initiatives, recall procedures, acting to the court in class actions the persons responsible for promoting all kind of laws, acts, rules that damaged countries sovereignty and people’s well being and freedom. Well, actually is not. From a psychological point of view, promoting such thing just pushes people in a framework / context were the main rule is “They have the power, sovereignty does not exist, I am not free and sovereign, I have to obey”. This type of context means a shift of power from people to a certain political and business elite. This shift started long time ago and continue these days.

    So far, the national laws in each EU country still permit class actions, people can still defend their rights IF they come together. Due to the fact that in some countries some very “crazy” citizens got the “crazy” idea to start class actions against banks, parent to fight in court and win against national regulation on health aspects ( see the Belgium case of the parents that started a fight for freedom from mandatory vaccination, and this case changed the Belgian law ref mandatory vaccination), the Irish people were “crazy” enough to say NO to the first referendum ( and it took a lot of money and effort from EU to scare enough the Irish population so the second referendum came up with an “yes” result ), some “crazy” movie producers, students and bloggers came up with the idea that national debts should be “managed” in a different way, out of the limiting paradigm so carefully built up in the last decades … due to these facts and many many others that shows that people started to think, to wake up and get together, the process of passing over national laws and citizens rights is being pushed faster and faster – this is why we have these riots and troops acting cross borders- so EU regime is fully installed BEFORE the citizens will have the chance to take their power back.

    So far, the entire plan is still very vulnerable. If people wake up and get together fast, if bloggers start to act in order to catalyze the process ( when EU was trying to find a way to convince Irish population to change their vote for the second referendum, they had to change the strategy due to the fact that from EU’s elite point of view the bloggers are the most “dangerous people” if they begin to catalyze the online movements in order to get off-line legal actions – there is an EU report about this, issued right after the first Irish referendum vote on Lisbon treaty) .

  21. I send a link with more info (in Italian) about the obscure (and deliberately obscured) treaties and conventions leading to this police force (the article dates from at least before March 2010).

    In Italy, it was decided to place one police force (the military one called carabinieri) alongside the civil police force (polizia), I believe, to buffer the country from a possible coup d’etat (various attempts have been made over the years). In others words, over and above the police forces policing the people they were also designed to police each other.

    The implications of the eugendarm initiative are interesting to say the least!

  22. by the way, it’s worth pointing out that the EU has reinstated the death penalty; be comforted, “only for enemies of the state”… (see notes below). The link’s in Italian (the upshot is, it’s there – and it took an unusually diligent law student to discover it buried VERY DEEP in the mass of cross-references to subclauses and articles etc.)

    Articles in English cited below:

    SEE Helga Zepp Larouche, «Demand a referendum on EU Lisbon Treaty», EIR 7 marzo 2008.
    SEE «Death penalty in Europe: only for enemies of the state», Brussels Journal, 13 aprile 2008.
    (Helga Zepp Larouche is the famous Lyndon Larouche’s wife)

  23. I tried to leave a message on the contact page of the EGF and had the same results as you David. I also tried to leave a message on this website:

    They don’t even bother loading the message box for me to type in before they give me an error message – when I clicked on ‘contact’ they don’t both loading the message box at all.

    There are a few posts on youtube but I can’t understand them as they are in Greek – would be useful if someone could translate what’s being said.

    Sinister times – keep it coming David, keep it coming.


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  25. I actually missed this post David. Just stumbled upon it because of the latest comment that was posted on it.

    Did you guys know that a combat brigade had been redeployed home in the USA for “urban operations”?

    Did you know that the Boy Scouts in the USA have been undergoing paramilitary training, with weapons, since about 2006?

    A bon entendeur, salut!

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