Regime Change. Part One – How it’s done.

There’s been a lot of Regime Change around in the last few years. One might even think it had become a nasty habit: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela. These are just the most recent. It was pointed out recently that if you count just those in South and Central America since the 50’s, it’s twelve. Add in the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and it seems like we can’t get enough of it. We certainly seem to think we have a right to engineer it wherever we like. But of course those who support it always insist we only do it because it ‘our duty to help the oppressed.’  So I would like to look at this peculiar form of Western benevolence.  First in general and then at a hypothetical case – Regime Change in the UK.

This may seem unlikely but I think we are all so used to regime change happening far away, in the Middle East, in Africa or South America, that we have been tempted to imagine it couldn’t happen here. But I suggest it could. In fact I think if Brexit were to happen and it was followed by the election of Corbyn government intent on some quite radical changes, then we could well see regime change being played out in the UK. But before I can persuade you of that we need to be clear what regime change involves and how it’s done.

Regime Change – How to do it.

Regime Change is like asymmetric warfare but where ‘we’ in the West win! It’s fun for the whole family of three-letter agencies, secret services, special forces, private security companies and soft-power-projecting quangos and ‘endowments’.

In the past we used to have ‘ police actions’ (where you bomb the shit out of ‘them’ but don’t actually declare war), proxy wars (so messy – so difficult finding reliable help these days),  or if you’re Israel you just call it ‘a limited incursion’ and hope to be home for tea. Regime change, as a concept at least, is better and cleaner all round. No one asks ‘is it a war or isn’t it?’, because it’s Regime Change! It’s defined by the outcome rather than the means and isn’t it just so much more modern to talk about ‘outcomes’? It avoids all that ‘is it done yet?” uncertainty. It’s done when the regime has changed.  What could be clearer?  It isn’t even ‘mission critical’ what sort of mess is left behind. The regime has been changed  – ‘job done’, ‘mission accomplished’ Everyone knew what the aim was from the start, without having to have given all sorts of hideous hostages to fortune about what kind of regime the new one might be or even if it would be better than the old one. No one says anything of that sort, it’s just about hanging the regime – sorry – missed out a ‘c’ there – changing the regime… changing.

So let’s do a quick run down of what Regime Change typically involves.  This, by the way is from the Grand Daddy of Regime Change specialists’ play-book, the NED, the National Endowment for Democracy.

So, first find your regime. One you don’t like  – obviously. It’s important there be something, preferably several things about the regime that you can point to that are genuinely nasty or at least not as good as they should be and not like they are at home. This is important.  You have to be able to frame your actions as morally justified and that what you are aiming at is ‘better’.  Especially if the regime you want changed happens to be sitting on valuable resources, have markets they weren’t letting your corporations in to, or were just generally ideologically ‘dangerous and wrong’.  Having actual ‘bad stuff’ to point at is vital for keeping the whole story feeling and looking positive.

Remember much of the critical action in regime change happens at home not ‘over there’. You have to have widespread and vocal support at home. If you don’t have it home-grown opposition will drag you down into a tedious and very often dangerous discussion of facts.

However, if you have that positive story and it does its job of generating support at home, you can do what is needed over there. Regime change is about public perception at home – public outrage at home and public sanctimony and self-righteousness at home.  It’s the people at home who have to feel good, not the people over there. Over there, they can be reduced to starving, freezing and dying in endless fratricidal civil wars as long as at home people feel what they did had the virtuous intent of getting rid of a terrible regime. Even if it all goes to shit over there, people at home have to continue to feel good about themselves. They have to feel that what was done was done for the right and noble reasons even if those it was done for turned out to be too stupid or backward to be able to take advantage of what you did for them.

So, you have your regime with it’s wrong-doings and short-comings sufficient to feed to ambitious journos at both ‘respected’ and ‘alternative’ aligned media as well as to  experts of your political stripe, and think-tanks ready to lend ‘independent’ weight to your views.

That’s home dealt with for now. Let’s turn to the target regime. You must now find dissenters and if possible ‘the persecuted’.  There will always be dissenters. It’s human nature and no country is perfect – hell there are dissenters at home. We’ll talk about how to deal with them later. As for the persecuted, someone’s tribe is always being excluded from lucrative contracts.  Someones’ beliefs are always being called in to question or belittled. There will always be some racist somewhere. Someone’s rights are always being ignored. There will always be genuine bigotry and genuine hardship. You just have to find the ones that you can weaponise to your advantage.

As long as someone is being prevented from expressing some opinion – even if later they and their opinion turns out to be every bit as loathsome and brutal as those of their oppressors  – it does’t matter. For your purposes they can be portrayed as champions of free speech.

Once you have found them you must then find thinkers and organisations who will write about the noble aspect of your dissenters and your persecuted.  It can be as simple as the fact they are being persecuted. You must then fund protests. This isn’t hard. All protests need funds. The important thing is to fund them without being seen to fund them. This too isn’t difficult. There are any number of NGOs, foundations or even private donors to whom you can funnel cash, who can be relied upon to forward your largess.  You can even use organs of your own state as long as they have the right name and can claim to be disinterested champions of some noble cause – The National Endowment for Democracy is a perfect case in point. They are an organ of the US state but their very name insists that they are non–partisan, not really anything to do with US government, but are instead champions of nothing more than Democracy itself.

Next have your tame media prepped and eager to cover the protests.  If the protests are small spice them up with counter protests which are also not hard to arrange should none be forthcoming.  The same arm’s length funding will be even more necessary when funding both sides. Counter protests are of course good for injecting a little photogenic violence against your oppressed and dissenting.  Don’t agonise over this. The counter protests will voice genuine opinion held in your target country. All you are doing is encouraging its expression.

This may take a while so be patient but not idle. With careful cultivation of local leaders and their opposing hot-heads you will generate a growing feeling of unrest. Ukraine is a wonderful recent example.

Your media need to talk about the size of the protests. A large number – 60 000 for example sounds good and can look good. No one needs to mention that even a few hundred thousand in a nation of millions is hardly a majority or even a sizeable minority. This is where your experts and think-tanks come in handy. They need to seize the rhetorical initiative. They need to present your narrative and armour it in academic respectability.

A vital part of their narrative will be to parade ‘the exiled’. These need not be real exiles but if they are then so much the better. If your target hasn’t actually exiled anyone, they may for example have free speech, don’t let this discourage you. The Exiled can simply be thinkers and leaders who have chosen self-exile because of their deep sadness at what has happened to their home and their respect for your country and a desire to make their home more like yours. This will please your home support.

Once you have this ticking over be at pains to give any opposition within your own country as little space as possible.  Of course be seen to welcome free speech and debate but make sure it is actually carefully controlled. Friendly network interviewers should be cultivated to keep the debate shallow and tipped well in your favour.

To this end encourage the media outlets to describe the worst aspects of the regime you want rid of. Even relatively small-scale stuff will play well if you can find a human story of pain, loss, or just unfairness. Find the worst of their regime’s supporters. The ignorant and  violent are always around. If they aren’t awful enough find others who are and if necessary pay them.  Agents Provocateur are worth their weight in hospital bills.  In an emergency put your own  people in but remember this is a dangerous last resort which can have difficult repercussion if it goes wrong. So use locals whenever possible.

Now you need to run three ‘projects’ both in your own press and theirs. Project Fear – what apocalyptic disasters will befall them if the country is forced  to continue on its present disastrous course. Project Salvation – what will happen if they escape their present tyranny and follow a course much closer to your own common sense way of doing things. And Project Oppression – what foolishness or perhaps even outright evil is being done by the stupid, the ignorant and, dare I say it, the Deplorable, as a result of them being manipulated by cynical, greedy and self-serving populists and extremists.

A general note here. You cannot change a regime in a nation where everyone more or less is happy. Many nations think they are happy. Your job is always to find the sometimes hidden or dormant fault lines and make them active.   Find them and you can begin to whisper that someone stupid is being manipulated by someone evil.  A malevolent hidden hand is always a good story.

As your experts and exiles begin to spin out their stories and construct the narrative it is wise to prefer facts to outright lies. Of course if you do have to lie then the old maxim holds true, make sure you repeat your lie over and over and over. But facts are always safer. Just single out those facts which on their own without complicating context can be made to support your narrative, and ignore, suppress or cast doubt upon those which don’t.  This is where seizing the rhetorical initiative is important. The more your narrative is the one which frames the debate the harder it will be for you opponents to make their argument sound convincing. Control the framework and the language in which the debate takes place and you will win. Do not ever use terms coined by the opposition. Use your media outlets to force your opponents to use your terms and make them play on your field. This is how you deal with dissenters at home. Let them talk.  But keep them marginalised and make them use your terms on your media.

Back to the target country. You must gain a thorough knowledge of the organisations which support the incumbent regime. You must then create your own version of as many of them as you can. If there is a student organisation which supports the regime, create one that opposes it. If there is a women’s organisation in support of the regime create one that isn’t.  The same for any kind of NGO or charity. Even Unions can be created which are more ‘friendly’. Make sure all these organisations are better funded than the originals . The cost is a fraction of what a ‘police action’ or ‘proxy war’ would cost. Make sure they are not only better funded  but also that they have better access to your friendly media. Make sure your friendly version of every kind of NGO and citizen’s group is the one heard back home. Put them in contact with your experts and exiles. Have them interviewed and quoted. There will be journalists, writers, politicians and activists, even in the target country, who see things your way; use them. Have them help your pro-change organisations to run your three projects.  If your target regime is silly enough to try to interfere with your propaganda programme portray their attempts to shut down your friendly organisations as censorship and an attack on freedom of speech. They will appear to be exactly as you have portrayed them.  It always plays well.

As all this takes shape, what had been a country with the usual differences of opinion coexisting within a general feeling of mutual respect or at lest mutual tolerance, will begin to fragment into a nation overcome by increasingly bitter distrust and dislike. Intolerant and aggressive language will grow all on its own.

If you do all the above properly, you will create a feedback loop that will turn reasoned and polite disagreement into increasingly bitter, angry and eventually sectarian, distrust and hate. A corrosive fracturing, that as it takes hold, will develop its own momentum and spread of its own accord. At which point other nations and their media will report what they see, a nation riven with deep divisions whose cause will appear to be the present regime. All you need to do then is apply what economic pressure you can and wait for those who have money and power to lose if it all goes badly, to come to you with offers of help in return for advice and protection. It’s never rats who leave a sinking ship but those with the most to lose. Those at the top not those at the bottom.

So that is a quick and dirty look at how to precipitate regime change. Could it really be done in  Great Britain? I think it could. I’m not saying it will, just that there’s no reason I can think of why what we allow our leaders to do so readily to ‘others’ couldn’t be done to us, if our leaders thought it would benefit them and the system that protects their wealth and power.

In Part Two I’ll suggest why I think Britain might become a target of regime change and how the general rules would be applied to Britain if Brexit happened and a left-wing Corbyn government was elected.

33 thoughts on “Regime Change. Part One – How it’s done.”

  1. My IP address seems to have been banned following my barb about supporting ‘regime change in the industrial north’. Perhaps this post can explain what I was getting at.

    Take these two articles together and see them in the context of where Britain and England in particular, is headed:


    “The Human Tide shies from this risky inference, but it’s worth asking: if Europe’s sending its extra population abroad projected power, exerted influence and claimed territory, isn’t mass migration from developing nations to the West not currently doing the same thing? After all, democratic countries confer real political power on their inhabitants (although Brexit seems to be testing that proposition). One plausible explanation for the rise of identity politics and the ever-increasing role that race plays in issues of the day is simply mass immigration. Numbers translate directly into voice and clout. …

    The author isn’t always so demure. He forcefully discounts a popular mantra of British multiculturalists: ‘It may often be said that England has always been a land of immigration, but this is simply untrue.’ Until very recently, England and Wales have absorbed a tiny, demographically incidental handful of Huguenots and Jews. The rise of the population that does not consider itself white British from 2 per cent in the 1960s to nearly 20 per cent in 2011* is ‘historically unprecedented’.”

    *In 2017, white British births were just 60% of the total and that will a) be quite a bit less in England and b) continue to decline. Anyone who says race and ethnicity don’t matter only culture are ignoring the mountain of evidence regarding the differences between groups and perhaps the key difference of all – degrees of ethno-centricity (in which Europeans are very low while non-Europeans are very high). Those who are low in ethno-centricity always lose out to those who are high.


    ”It has become clear that the neutrality of the bureaucracy, once thought to be the fundamental requirement of its legitimacy, and the ground of its acceptance by all political partisans, is no longer understood to be the necessary ground of maintaining its bipartisan support. The administrative state has established its own legitimacy apart from its political or constitutional authority, within the ranks of both political parties and the courts. Bureaucratic rule is defended as essential to solving, in a non-political way, the problems of modern technical, or rational, government and society. Moreover, the bureaucracy has become a power in its own right. It has become a political faction on behalf of administrative rule.”

    Let me join these two articles together in the context of the Labour party, its ethno-politics and its relationship to the multicultural globalist State both at the local and national level.

    THIS combination of ethnic pandering, ethnic power and increasing state authoritarianism is why in places like Bradford and West Yorkshire, Birmingham and the West Midlands, Greater Manchester, Luton, Blackburn and Lancashire etc. the scale of sexual violence against English children over the last forty-plus years (for we now know the first rape gangs were discovered in Rotherham in *1975* will not only never be fully known but barely a fraction of the child rapists will be brought to justice and none of the officials (Muslim and non-Muslim) who ignored it / covered it up brought to justice. Ditto the countless gang attacks on white and non-Muslim men.

    And to those who say otherwise, I say ‘visit Rotherham’. Speak to the whistleblower there. Nothing has changed even in that most famous of cases. Sure, the council might have got a good OFSTED report but what does that mean? The British State wants this to go away and so will say anything. And so does Saint Jeremy Corbyn: the Rotherham whistleblower, herself still a Labour councillor, wrote to him to say that nothing had changed. No reply. Ok, maybe his staff didn’t pass on the letter. Sarah Champion MP then wrote an article in the Sun about it and HE sacked her from the cabinet. And finally when a *Muslim* female councillor in Manchester spoke out about the endemic racism in her community, she was deselected from Manchester city council.

    And you can of course speak to me: I discovered a rape gang in Trafford in 2016. It took two years of badgering Greater Manchester Police before they acted and I strongly suspect the only reason they did was because I copied the local Conservative MP into my complaint to the Mayor Andy Burnham (a man who already has plenty of blood on his hands over the MEN Arena bombing) and the Tory MP replied asking to be kept abreast of events.

    Operation Challenger has now been launched in North Trafford but like all the other child abuse investigations, it will barely scratch the surface. And it was of course advertised on GMP’s Facebook page with the picture of a white suspect…

    I have informed my local MP Kate Green (Labour) and the local media and none of them are interested. None of them want to inform local English parents or the increasingly Muslim dominated schools where much of the grooming will be taking place.Indeed, the role of the Left dominated educational establishment is central to these outrages because the teaching unions help fund antifa (which spent years claiming the rapes and attacks were ‘racist myths’) and antifa quashed schoolgirls being shown the fairly milquetoast educational video ”My Dangerous Loverboy” which might have saved a few girls from having their lives destroyed.

    In 2015, my MP held an ‘urgent community meeting’ regarding Cameron’s ‘rhetoric on terrorism and the effect it was having on community relations’. Which means local Muslims went complaining to her about something or other. When an Islamic suicide bomber blew up 13 English girls and over 100 others at the Manchester Evening News Arena a year later there was no urgent community meeting. When informed of the rape of English girls in the constituency, there was no urgent community meeting. However, when Trump visited the UK, our MP did give a very angry speech accusing him of, amongst other things, ‘Islamophobia’ and told him to come and visit ‘our mosques’. Literally the week after, it was revealed by the BBC (shock horror) that Didsbury Mosque had indeed been the launch pad for the suicide bomb.

    Can you understand what it is like to be an English man watching all this unfold? To witness the staggering double standards? And to face the very real threat of the PC police being set upon you – as they have to truth tellers in other parts of the country?

    Can you understand why we feel sick at the prospect of a lifelong student activist becoming Prime Minister?

    Of course the argument is that to (really) publicise the true scale of these mass crimes is to invite some terrible backlash. Ok so let’s imagine someone blows up a mosque. By the logic of both the globalist ruling class AND the Corbynista Left, that will be a far greater outrage than the millions and millions of rapes and attacks committed by Muslims against the English working class. THAT story would go global because the losers from globalisation did it: the State which did nothing to prevent those crimes and in many cases facilitated them will only have to account for the bombing not what provoked it.

    There are NOT going to be riots over this. The British State realised this when Lee Rigby was murdered and nothing happened. When ‘Rotherham’ (the scapegoat town) was revealed and nothing happened. When Newcastle was revealed and nothing happened.

    The English working class are not on their knees they are on their backs. Hopelessly atomised, increasingly displaced from their neighbourhoods by mass immigration* and utterly dependent for benefits on the very State which does precious little to protect their children from sadistic rapists AT THE SAME TIME as doing everything to protect the communities from which those child rapists come from.

    Which is why I started this post about the historically unprecedented demographic changes AND the dependence of so many on the State. It is a literal vice for the English working class.

    And Saint Corbyn and his Labour party are one side of that vice. They, like the SNP, are fully signed up to the imperialism of implanting immigrant voters in stable communities. And all they offer in recompense is money. Money and shut up or else.

    *the purpose of mass immigration isn’t just to depress wages, raise house prices (and thus bank securities) and effect ethnic change – it is break the bonds within local societies. The British State AND Labour know this – they’ve known since the 60s and 70s when they collaborated with the formation of Britain’s internal empire – but still they keep on doing it. For example, the Labour council in St Helens, still a very working class English town, is to receive 20,000 ‘refugees’ this year. St Helens already has a housing problem. It voted for Brexit. But still the people they elect impose more stresses and strains on them.

    And of course the white middle classes who now totally dominate Labour and the Left will say ‘we MUST do this, we MUST help them’ because ‘WE bombed their countries’. Except no, the working class of St Helens didn’t bomb those countries. It was told by the media that there were terrorists and bad leaders in those places and that to not help would be immoral. So damned if they do and damned when it goes wrong.

    And when the crimes and rapes start, the white middle class response will be that these people are traumatised (in addition to having a medieval mindset). In other words, to assuage the moral obsessions of white middle class leftists, however many English girls and god knows how many women across Europe have to be traumatised.

    Can you see? Put it altogether.

    Can you see? The appalling crimes, betrayals and hypocrisies? The increasing straight jacket on free thought, speaking truthfully and the concomitant risk to liberty?

    Corbyn and Labour are at the heart of these – not just the neoliberal globalist state – because they are fully signed up to the social and ethnic agenda of the globalist state. Indeed they are fully signed up to the mass immigration of the neoliberal state.

    I was of course being somewhat sarcastic in saying I supported regime change. Unless it were to expose the criminality at the heart of Labour’s northern heartlands, it would do absolutely nothing for the English working class and would simply continue to replace them demographically.

    But I’m sure you can see why those who know how Labour actually operates in the real world rather than the pages of the Guardian and the various reports put out by worthy think tanks, are choking back the vomit at the idea that they want offer anything more than a better funded, crime ridden, authoritarian multiculturalism. They’re not going to get into power and then start locking up the literally tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of child rapists are they? They’re not going to throw all the officials in jail. They’re not going to do anything about the hate preaching or anti-white racism. They’re not going to teach English children about their heritage, history and culture. And they are certainly not going to reduce the authoritarianism which holds it all up.

    Why then wouldn’t I just watch what unfolds with increasing disgust and an eye to escaping to somewhere less insane?

  2. I suppose my post on the other thread and the attempted post on this one will be taken as evidence of how such regime change can be brought about.

    What a sad state of affairs.

    Doesn’t mean they weren’t true though.

    1. Well, at least it will provide some material for the next post.

      If you are connected to Labour in anyway then you really have to talk to them about what I’ve written because it’s all true. You know yourself, you’ve met Jayne and she’s the tip of a massive iceberg. You could also meet two girls I know who both, separately, left Islamified Birmingham because of the continual intimidation.You can talk to Evans who sees the corruption in London everyday. Or Danny Lockwood in Dewsbury (he might be a good one in fact).

      It does seem that Islam could be the casus-belli for what you are talking about.

      And you have to bear in mind that Corbyn’s Labour has its own links to front groups of very dodgy funding. Look at ‘Stand up to racism’, ‘Hope Not Hate’ and ‘Unite Against Facism’ – their funders include the EU, the Muslim Council of Britain and Soros. I just don’t accept that these groups exist to ‘fight racism or fascism’. They exist to suppress opposition to mass immigration and Labour’s ethnic agenda. They are currently savaging a young grooming gang victim who tried to set up a helpline for the countless victims. This is partly because Tommy Robinson gave it some publicity.

      I’ve already said that I have my own concerns about where he gets money from (US zionists) and what they will want in return. I’ve made my feelings clear. But unfortunately, he, like Ann Marie Waters (who may also be in receipt of pro-Israel money) tells awkward truths which Labour and the British State doesn’t like. If it hadnt been for the EDL, no one would know about the mass rapes or the various other corruptions.

      I’ve been very open that I am in UKIP now. I’m in UKIP because I’ve seen first hand how corrupt Labour and much of the Left are. I’m watching their ethno-politics in my hometown. I’ve experienced the double standards and the clamp down on what you can and can’t say. I’ve seen how corrosive the Left wing education establishment is. I’ve experienced the demonisation for having the wrong thoughts.

      It was the Left who made me give up being a Left wing activist.

      I have my issues with Ed Milliband but he had the decency to say ‘we got it wrong on immigration and we were wrong about benefits – they have to be based on contribution’. Corbyn simply reverts to ”you are scapegoating people and blaming the weak”. He’s an authoritarian. He mixes with Varoufakis for god’s sake.

      And you have to understand that many of the people who oppose this agenda and much else besides are NOT in the pay of the NED. UKIP has bugger all money – Labour took a huge amount off it after its MEP told the truth about its three MPs in Rotherham (how she lost the case I don’t know because I’ve seen the emails and heard the audio recordings). If this changes, I’ll let you know but you’d be better off seeing what Nigel Farage does because he’s very open about wanting to terminate it as an organisation. I know that Gerard Batten has turned down help from Steve Bannon. Gerard has said its not right how corporations evade tax. That may well be because I sent him a copy of ‘Treasure Islands’ by Nick Shaxon.

      Indeed I asked Shaxon if he would speak to the UKIP conference. I got a very sniffy reply. But he would speak to Labour wouldn’t he? An organisation mired in criminality of the worst kind.

      Can you see how maddening it is for those don’t drink the kool aid?

      What I’m saying is, you have to watch for your own paranoia at play and your own biases. The real money on the right wing is behind the globalist right. And as far as I can see the real money on the left is behind the globalist left – which, whether you like it or not, is Corbyn.

      I can only offer to be a bridge to those who I trust and to share information which is in the best interests of the decent and honest.

  3. Hi Phil,

    Thanks for posting, I agree with you, Corbyn has been weak on this issue and Labour has done as much as anyone to nurture a post-truth attitude to inconvenient home truths.

    I like Tommy Robinson and have written in support of him and was appalled when he was gaoled for his reporting in Leeds, I think he was persecuted by the state, remember it was Theresa May that drove that. Although I am sure plenty of Labour people, perhaps even Corbyn were supportive of the crackdown.
    I do think Tommy is being exploited as a useful idiot by the Netanyahu Zionists, Alex Jones was very vocal and of Course Ezra Levant. That said Ther is plenty in what Alex and Ezra say that I agree with too.

    Brexit is wrapped up in this whole freedom of movement thing, Neo-Liberal freedom of movement is akin in my own mind to slave trafficking and is not related to old Anarchist and Socialist internationalist notion of being a citizen of the world.

    In a pst Brexit of Brino world the EU will along with NATO try to de stabilise the UK, An instructive case is actually that of the Olof Palme assassination,

    there was also an Assassination ahead of the Euro referendum in Sweden to similar to the Jo Cox one.

    Personally, I think that dark state forces had a hand in all those occurrences and In run up to 2017 election Mrs May had a good few Reichstag’s fire attempts.
    The order of play in the post-truth world is to divide and rule

    Like you I can only “offer to be a bridge to those who I trust and to share information which is in the best interests of the decent and honest.”

  4. All those deniers lie and twist the facts. They have no counter science, only stuff they have made up and altered. One guy will fabricate something, and then all the others echo chamber it, saying scientist says, but no scientist said anything. Pothler54 is a conservative who supporter Thatcher, but he’s also a scientists who calls out the deniers exposing thier lies. You should watch it see how Patrick Moore twists the facts.

    Response to Patrick Moore’s “What They Haven’t Told You about Climate Change”

    1. Kevin,
      Denier is the langauge of Witch Burning and Hocum not of Scientific critical thought.

      Climate Change .AGW and all points from Activism to Skepticism.

      The Mc Carthyism aspects and the ad hominem discourse on this important question have been troubling me for some time. Scepticism does not change the truth of any proposition, Scepticism is an important ingredient in the scientific method. The 97% consensus regarding ´Climate Science´, the part of the ´Science ´which is purported to be ´Settled´are really all rather vague and ill-defined terms which I find a little confusing. On Scepticism when asked 10 out of 10 scientists would confirm that they prefer it.

      So in the spirit of having nothing to fear but fear itself and hopefully to give, Activists and Deniers
      alike a rest from the usual debunking industry fare

      Discourse on Brexit has been similarly narrow and intolerant, and aspects surrounding the Death Cult around Greta Thunberg is really rather disturbing.

      seeking to trivialise sound and important science that is clarifying the many areas of the AGW hypothesis that the IPCC itself categorises as being less than certain. If you can not engage with the evidence or wish to ignore it then do so but do not make un-supported claims that the existence of the papers has to be straw man argument or that By stating a view that the bottom end of IPCC predictions of Climate change are likely not to be exceeded as some sort of denial of 1. The fact of Climate change and 2. That CO2 is a (Greenhouse) ( would be better described as a quilt) Gas.

      Their Lordships on Article 50

      .“Bring then above all ignorance, to which add confidence, audacity, and effrontery; as for diffidence, equity, moderation, and shame, you will please leave them at home; they are not merely needless, they are encumbrances.´´

      Lucian. Rhetoriticians Vade Vecum.

      The problem of the quality and extent of the discourse is very much still with us on Brexit, on both sides of the debate and both sides of the English Channel. The Issues are not clear cut and the problems are political in nature and therefore have a large ideological component. As well as essentially involving matters of opinion this question also involves matters of opinion about Divergent and wicked problems. The EU, The UK Democracy and Political Economy are allHuman constructs they involve choices and can always be changed society and community are emergent systems that are simply not pre-ordained.
      David Graeber often when he writes points out that most opinions eventually reduce back to the ancient quarrel between Parmenides and Heraclitus.

    1. I see it the opposite to you, that the BBC has been too soft on the climate change deniers. Patrick Moore says that millions of years ago the carbon in the atmosphere was very low and yet the global temperature was much higher than now, but what he fails to mention is that the Sun was much hotter then. Why does he omit this, and why didn’t the MSM challenge him on this. They are too soft on him. He’s an astronomer so he has no excuse for not knowing. He’s lying and the gullible believe him.

  5. Kevin, Out of interest what level of CO2 do you recommend mother nature is allowed? in PPM?

    Glassman’s Acquittal of CO2 has rather more to it as does the CLimate system than Modern Mans emissions of CO2.

    I do wonder why CLimate activists are not more exercised by the genocidal wars for Petro Dollar Hegemony They seem to have killed rather more people than a gentle warming and increased plant growth has managed?

  6. Kevin, Out of interest what level of CO2 do you recommend mother nature is allowed? in PPM?

    Glassman’s Acquittal of CO2 has rather more to it as does the CLimate system than Modern Mans emissions of CO2.

    I do wonder why CLimate activists are not more exercised by the genocidal wars for Petro Dollar Hegemony They seem to have killed rather more people than a gentle warming and increased plant growth has managed?


    ”Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these people are completely unemployable. Only a minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant. Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and very needy. If this continues and Germany re-opens its borders, I am going home to the Czech republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even for double the salary back home. I came to Germany to work, not to Africa or the Middle East! Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see, but worth the read…especially the cleaning woman, who has cleaned every day for years for 800 euros and then meets crowds of young men in the hallways who just wait with their hands outstretched, waiting for free, and when they don’t get it, they throw a fit. I really don’t need this, but I am afraid that if I return home, at some point it will be the same in the Czech Republic. If the Germans, with their systems, cannot handle this, then guaranteed, back home will be total chaos.”

    People who say ‘refugees are welcome’ should be forced to go and work with them every day.

    And, sorry, but that includes the author of this blog.

    1. Hi Phil,

      Paul Craig Roberts has been a staple of my own reading sources for many years now so when he writes I do take him seriously, I am sure David ( The writer of this Blog, as you know) does also I am sure.

      PCR has appeared as a Guest on many new media sources and I am curious as to how he manages to keep that level of output and full of admiration.

      Confronted with the almost now certainty that Chomsky is a Gatekeeper, it seems equally likely that PCR is as well,

      The problem of Gangs in Sweden from immigrant populations is fairly well documented but also equally well mis-documented. Tim Pool ( ex Vice and also Likely Gatekeeper) did for me probably the fairest summation of the situation here. And ISGP also has a very good summation regarding the problems in Holland nad France,


      PCR listed here under Hoover Institution.

      People Like Peter Sutherland who died Recently were behind the Migration and cultural dilution agendas of the European state identities and this process is to dumb down and make populations compliant and more slave like to authoritarian central Government? Why?

      I personally think Kevin Gaalae is the most comprehensive writer on the matter I have encountered,

      I am not sure what the purpose of the Narratives around the appaling behaviour of migrant grooming gangs and other criminal enterprises is ? some sort of civil unrest and perhaps creating the conditions whereby opposition to War with Russia and China possibly first Iran? Maybe to foster marshal law for some sort of Financial Bail in to save the Petro Dollar? as we know the powers That be do not give a rats arse about any opinion outside of the Bourgoisee ( 5% at most and they are largely only tolerated.) the climate of fear that seems to be required must be for something fairly major , even unprecedented? What the hell ( and it probably is hell Like) that could be I have no idea, some folk see some symbolism in the opening of the Tunnel in Switzerland a few years back.

      Here are some of the most striking moments from the ceremony – we have tried to explain what is going on as far as possible. It was not always possible.

      Warning: This article contains partial nudity

      Full Satanic ritual for the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. It was attended by heads of finance, state, and all levels of society. Yes, it is creepy and evil, but yes, it is still important. Video pulled from RT (Russia Today), a phenomenal news source. Enjoy!

      Ripple Effect

  8. Regime can can happen when the population is happy, all you have to do is conceal it.
    If the Media say there has been no regime change, not many people will question that in our current times.

    I suspect there was a coup in this country when Bliar met Bush.
    UK became the complete lapdog to US Washington and Wall St interests, and every Government since then has toed the line.

    May is the most pliable, because she has no principles or philosophy at all.
    Trump’s election -they only chance for the American people to escape slavery- and he of course is repeatedly captured by either MIC, Wall St or AIPAC, only confused May.

    I don’t believe the US (apart from the Democratic Party) has any clue what to make of Brexit (hence our Government’s mindless wanderings), but they will be very pleased when the EU Central Bank collapses especially if they get an alternative to SWIFT fully operational.

    Anyway, if we are lucky, the great unwashed will deliver an anti-London coup, and that will be a great event -leading to a different kind of chaos of course, but we deserves that for sitting on our hands for 50 years.

  9. While I can’t stand Corbyn and Labour, I really am sick of hearing this BS about ‘anti-semitism’.

    How many Jewish kids were gang raped under Labour’s watch in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford, Newcastle, Bradford and the scores of other towns? NONE. How many Jewish kids were blown up at the MEN Arena? NONE.

    Labour ARE anti-something. They’re anti white and anti English. And they became that way thanks to Jewish MPs like Barbara Roche and Jewish donors like Lord Levy. New Labour was a Jewish project, from the money funding Blair’s private office to the wars for Israel to the open borders so that Barbara Roche could feel ‘safe’ in hyper diverse London.

    If Jews are so worried about ‘anti-semitism’, why are their official organisations cosying up to the most radical Islamic organisations?

    Here we have the main Jewish organisation pledging ‘solidarity’ with Muslims:

    They never pledged any solidarity with the tens of thousands of white working class girls who’ve been fucking destroyed by Muslims across this country. In fact, here we have the Jewish Chronicle ‘mourning’ the downfall of one of the key MPs who looked the other way while 1400 girls were turned into child sex slaves in Rotherham:

    There a multi-million pound government funded ‘Community Security Trust’ to stop hurty words about Jews. There’s f-all for white girls being tortured above a filthy kebab shop in Bradford.

    I can’t stand Corbyn but the idea that the world’s biggest minority arse kisser is some kind of raging anti-semite is grotesque.


    “You are not expected to understand this”
             * If the new process paused because it was
             * swapped out, set the stack level to the last call
             * to savu(u_ssav).  This means that the return
             * which is executed immediately after the call to aretu
             * actually returns from the last routine which did
             * the savu.
             * You are not expected to understand this.
            if(rp->p_flag&SSWAP) {
                    rp->p_flag =& ~SSWAP;
    1. the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe.
    “a samizdat newsletter”

    #SamizdisSamizdat #BrexitRebeliion #ConquestofDough #Web3BeattheBanStick



    “If the Democratic decision is not implemented, then it is quite clear we live in a Globalist Fascist Dictatorship controlled by The USA – who have spent the last 100 years creating complete mayhem across the World, as if they are still running The British Empire, which most of us older British, thought we had given up.

    There will no longer be any point in voting.

    You cannot vote out a Dictatorship.”

    March 12, 2019 at 8:39 pm

    In all of the deliberations, the Point about the US is Key.

    This Global Governance question seems missing again from the present discourse on Section 50, the context is much wider than the UK divorcing the EU, this is not a mere Marriage or even a menage a trios breaking up, this is more akin to a polygamous harem of the Ottoman Sultans involving some sort of internecine struggle between two of his, arguably high to middle-ranking eunuchs, for more recognition or status.
    #comment textarea


    Hi John,

    “History, as Joe Stalin said, is made by those who turn up. Thus far, the 17.4 million have failed miserably to turn up”.

    Date: March 26, 2019
    Author: John Ward
    March 26, 2019 at 10:13 am
    I can elaborate on the simplicity of the technological solution which I am happy to Marshall, of course then its a question of distribution and getting a viral click-through rate, as an Ad man extraordinaire you are just the man
    PM sent.
    At last, some practical ideas. JW

    Liked by you and 12 other people

    April 19, 2019

    I have done what we discussed John and we both know there is a ton of work still to be done to get this framework now into a readily deployablöe format for street teamers.

    I am not a one for Bumper Stickers, my forte is strategic Analysis and Execution of blue sky ideas into new markets.
    I have noticed during the Ten years in which I have pursued several new Business ventures in Music, Music Technology, Finance and Web 3 Distributed Applications that people I encounter in Help forums of a technical nature or a consumer nature are forever found still expounding on how this or that could’ve should’ve would’ve been better, more successful more effective, all the while no discernible contribution emanates from the Armchair ( Mouse Clicking experts.)

    Stage 2 of this process relies on people using the Wiki and generating fault messages and also queries as to what is difficult to use. With that Data, I can then pårogramme the Web 3 Graphical User interface to smooth out the wrinkle in terms of processes which require to great an attention span.

    Just notices social media share disappeared from WikiTactical Voting got to figure out Why?

    Share and adopt a page people.

    View image on Twitter
    View image on Twitter

    @PMotels …@JoeBlob20 @RogTallbloke … #PDC

    1:52 PM – Apr 18, 2019
    See RogerGLewis’s other Tweets
    Twitter Ads info and privacy
    Ignore from Here Geeky SE Experiment.

    @JoeBlob20 @RogTallbloke #PDC

    #MagnaPedia Late Evening Special Edition with South Wales Argus. #TheSlog #IABATO #CantonDD #GreatestHappiness #Hedons @JoeBlob20 @bill1303 @DavidGolemXIV @wesfree @StephenStillwe2

    #WikiBallot #WikiTacticalVoting #WikipediaCensorship #WikipediaGateKeepers Personal Destiny Control, Canton Model Direct Democracy.Disintermediation of Political Parties and the State #WikiBallot putting Citizens in touch and in contr…
    #eth #Eos #IPFS #Bitcoin #Everipedia #Miraheze @miraheze @KeeperAzra @JohnFLewis1 @JoeBlob20

    BBC News (UK) and The Hill are Tweeting about this
    919K Tweets
    197K Tweets
    Steve Goddard, Gilets Jaunes USA, and 1 more are Tweeting about this
    Sky News, The Hill, and 1 more are Tweeting about this
    3,920 Tweets
    454K Tweets

  13. If I may add to your otherwise fairly accurate analysis.

    Regime change practice has also moved from the mere use of PR agencies (i.e. the Nayra testimony driven by the PR agency Hill & Knowlton) to the establishment of fully staffed and functioning “press offices” to give legitimacy to a set of confectioned news for the consumption of the international main stream press as was the case of the Free Syria Press.


  14. Hey David, I think you just wrote the CIA’s newest training manual.

    On the other hand, your post is a blueprint of recent US history. So are you sure the UK is the target?


    Test see Golem XIV on IPFS, the uncensorable web.

    install IPFS desktop

    run daemon in terminal or run desktop app

    Comments on Web 3 write to the Legacy web site but web 3 site does not update with comments, replacing updates from the legacy web to IPNS is the work out for this at the moment
    Step 4. Publish to IPNS
    Now you have a simple static site hosted on IPFS. The problem is, whenever you update your site, the hash will change, and any links you have shared will continue pointing to the old version. You need a way to always share the latest hash. That’s where IPNS comes in. It allows you to store a reference to an IPFS hash under the namespace of your peerID (hash of your public key).

    $ ipfs name publish
    That will return your peerID and the hash you are publishing to it. You can confirm by running

    $ ipfs name resolve
    or by viewing (notice the directory is ipns not ipfs).

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