Living in a slum

It must be clear by now, to even the most resolute “They are experts, they know what they’re doing”, supporters of our present leaders, that all is NOT well. And maybe, they do NOT have it all in hand.

The short version of recent events is that every one of the problems we had earlier this year in Europe and the U.S. is back. Not one was actaully dealt with. They were all dealt with the way slum landlords deal with signs of rot. Nothing a sodding great big roller and a big arsed bucket of cheap white paint can’t cover up. At least until the next poor slob signs the lease anyway.
Portugal sold some debt this morning. Hurary said the jouranlist. Not mentioning that the rate Portugal had to pay is creeping back up again. The cost of insuring debt for Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece are all headed up. Sound familiar?
Real estate in the US has given up hope and has settled for rolling around in its own mess.
Our experts have done nothing to address these problems at root. They have simply white- washed and we have not done our own due diligence. We are living in a slum owned by absentee slum-landlords who don’t give damn about us and whose only concern is that we pay their rent so they can live in luxury.

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