Hung Parliament – ‘confused’ message or crystal clear?

This morning I heard several political grandees and more than one pundit all opining, ‘Well, the message of this election is unclear’.


I don’t know if these people are smug, stupid or deaf, but the message from the electorate could not be any clearer. The politicians think its unclear because they think clarity only comes in the form of one of them being clearly anointed. Actually the clear message is that the nation as a whole does not trust or want ANY OF THEM to have a clear mandate.

What do these pompous lard brains think – That as a nation we got in the booth and dithered? That we picked up the pencil but then our feeble minds just couldn’t think clearly, couldn’t remember what the parties had said? That is what the politicians I heard the morning inferred. I think they really believe, we didn’t quite understand. They might even magnanimously pretend to blame themselves, saying, ‘Mea culpa, we obvioulsy didn’t put our message across clearly enough’. WRONG, on all counts.

You were clear. We understood. And we have been very clear in return.

There is NO majority who wants ANY OF YOU to have a mandate. If people had liked what they heard, had wanted any of your plans to be given a clear mandate, we do know how to do it. I think we could, as a nation, have organised that. But we didn’t. We weren’t confused. We were clear. If you can’t hear the clear message it’s because you don’t want to.

We, taken as a nation, did NOT give a mandate to Cameron for his cuts. We did NOT give Brown a mandate for his spend yet more bailing out the banks. We did NOT give a mandate to the LIberal Democrats nor to the SNP.

None of them were clear and honest about what cuts and bail outs they would actually contemplate once the election was over. And so none of them will be able to claim to have had any such mandate for whatever they eventually do decide to do. They will have no mandate for their actions. AND THAT IS THE POINT AND THE CLEAR MESSAGE.

The message of how the people of this nation voted is that we, the people, obviously don’t trust any of you either as parties or even as individuals. We have actively and deliberately chosen to make sure none of you has the mandate to shaft us more than you already have.

2 thoughts on “Hung Parliament – ‘confused’ message or crystal clear?”

  1. Hear hear, I am the living proof.

    How to convey, that we are not apathetic, but do not trust any party?

    I spoilt my ballot paper, and wrote 'No trustworthy party.'

    We need a box that says 'none of the above.'

    Imagine if THAT box got the majority vote!
    That is precisely why we'll never see it.

  2. Golem XIV - Thoughts

    New political parties and the movements they spring from are rarely created. But perhaps the time is approaching?

    At the very least we need new leadership. In some part it is discussion like those we have here that are vital to the hope of political renewal. At least, that is what I cannot help but feel.

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